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Call for Papers and Proposals

Paper Submission:

The Global Finance Association is pleased to announce that our 32nd Annual Global Finance Conference will be hosted by Suffolk University Boston, Sawyer Business School

Papers/proposals in the following categories are solicited:

  1. Competitive Papers: Complete paper submitted by deadline; (for Best Paper Awards).
  2. Work-in-Progress: Abstract submitted by the deadline; paper to be completed by Conference date.
  3. Proposal for Panel, Workshop, Tutorial.
  4. Doctoral Students Papers: One of the top awards is for this category.

Please submit your paper/proposal electronically by March 15, 2025.

All entries will be refereed. Authors of accepted papers may submit a two-page detailed abstract for the 2025 GFC e-Proceedings. Papers accepted for presentation at the conference may be submitted to the Global Finance Journal for publication in a Special Issue devoted to the Conference (normal review process applies). The best paper accepted for publication in the Global Finance Journal will be awarded a prize of $1,000 by Elsevier Publishing. Submitting author(s) of accepted papers will be notified by the end of April 2025.


  1. Accounting/Auditing Issues and Taxation
  2. Banking & Financial Services/Investment Banking
  3. Behavioral and Experimental Finance/Economics Big
  4. Data – AI, ML, Fintech, Cyber Security for Global Finance & Banking
  5. BRICS, MIST, MINT, NEXT 11, PIIGS, SANE and Emerging Markets
  6. Corporate Finance and Investments with global perspectives
  7. Corporate Governance/Executive Compensation – Stakeholders vs Stockholders Debate
  8. Green Finance, ESG Investments,
  9. Climate risks and financial stability
  10. Global Pandemic – Global Health Issues and Impacts
  11. Global Risks Interconnection
  12. Derivatives/Financial Engineering – Real Options
  13. Entrepreneurship/Venture Capital
  14. Financial Markets Integration/Linkages/Segmentation
  15. Foreign Currency Issues – Monetary Economics
  16. Global Energy & Environment Issues
  17. Global Financial Crises, Imbalances
  18. Global Poverty – Inequality - Sustainability
  19. Household Finance – Micro Finance
  20. IPOs/SEOS/Stock buybacks/Privatization - Crowdfunding
  21. Mergers and Acquisitions/Corporate and State SWFs
  22. Moving Towards a More Digital/Interconnected World - Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
  23. Portfolio Flows, Performance, Asset Allocation, and Foreign Direct Investment
  24. Real Estate Finance /REITs, Crowdfunding, International RE & Alternative
  25. Risk/Debt Issues/Insurance/Reinsurance
  26. Sovereign Funds/Hedge Funds/ETFs/SWFs – Private Equity -Mutual Fund Performance
  27. Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibilities, and Ethics.